Board Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2024
The Valley Forge Sewer Authority monthly meeting was held on Monday, February 12, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. In attendance: Board members: Norman Vutz, Terri Woodman, Samuel Cupp, David Greer, David Demey, and William LaPorte. Also in attendance were General Manager Leonard Pinchok, Operations and Engineering Manager Matt Jackson, and Laboratory Supervisor Richard Taylor. David Shirk, representing the Authority’s Engineer of Record, Buchart Horn, Inc., was also in attendance.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
– 2024
Mr. Pinchok presented the 2023 annual reorganization to the board for review. Mr. LaPorte made a motion to accept the 2023 annual reorganization for 2024 with no changes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Woodman, and the board unanimously approved the motion.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Meeting Minutes
Mr. LaPorte made a motion to approve the January 8, 2024, meeting minutes, which was seconded by Ms. Woodman, and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
Taylor presented the operations report, stating there were no permit limit
violations for the month of January and all outstanding lab results from
December 2023 were received without violation. There are a few outstanding lab
results from January, but do not anticipate any issues. Mr. Taylor reported a
complete power outage at the plant on January 9th, 2024, at
approximately 8:00 p.m. caused by a storm event. Mr. Taylor notified PADEP
immediately after the outage occurred, as well as the water companies located
downstream from the authority. An emergency generator was delivered and set up
by Brandon Stanton Inc. to operate the ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system
within 4 hours after the outage. Power was restored to one side of the
substation at 11:00 a.m. the next morning. The plant continued to operate on feed
one of the substation and the temporary generator at
the UV building. Electrical power to both sides of the plant substation was
completely restored on January 13, 2024. Mr. Jackson mentioned a new electrical
substation upgrade and backup generator system are scheduled as capital
projects within the next 5 years. Mr. Jackson reported that most of the
collection system pump stations were operating on emergency generators during
the storm. Ms. Woodman asked if the authority would be fined for the loss of
power during the event. Mr. Taylor is unaware of any fines currently. Mr.
Pinchok stated that historically, the authority has not been fined after events
such as this. Mr. LaPorte made a motion to accept the operations report as
presented, which was seconded by Mr. Vutz, and the board unanimously approved
the motion.
Financial Report
Mr. Pinchok presented the combined statement of
operations for all accounts at the end of December with a balance of $26,349,813.
Fund balances were presented for review, followed by the budget to actual
summary, where the revenue fund actual for the month has a surplus of $493,591
and the treatment plant fund actual for the month has a surplus of $775,016.
Mr. Pinchok briefly reviewed several line items from each fund, with
explanations for budget and actual differences. Impress fund reconciliation was
$296.39. Petty cash expenses for the month were $47. Credit card purchases for
the month were $2,212.97. Accounts payable invoices totaled $348,410.77. Ms. Woodman
made a motion to approve agenda items 2 through 6 as presented, which was
seconded by Mr. Demey, and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
There were no requisitions presented for January 2024.
Mr. Pinchok informed the board of the sale of the 1995
International Knuckle Boom Truck listed on Municibid for $26,900. The funds
will be applied to the purchase of a new vehicle for the treatment plant.
Meadow Lane Sewer Extension
The Meadow Lane Sewer Extension project was approved to
receive PA Grant funds totaling $182,200. A meeting is scheduled for March 1, 2024,
at the East Pikeland Administration Building to discuss the next steps of the
Act 537 Special Study
Mr. Pinchok gave a brief update of the Easttown
Township need of additional capacity in both the Valley Creek Trunk Line (VCTL)
and the treatment plant. Mr. Pinchok noted that Easttown Township should
contact Aqua, owner of the VCTL to negotiate obtaining the additional capacity
to convey 163,000 gpd of sewage to the treatment plant. Mr. Shirk and Mr.
Pinchok held a zoom meeting with Easttown Township officials earlier in the day
to discuss options for the additional capacity needs in the VCTL as well as the
treatment plant. Mr. Curley, Easttown
Township Manager, indicated the township does not require additional capacity
at this time and will withdraw the 163,000 gpd requested in the Act 537 Special
Study. Mr. Pinchok believes the
additional capacity needs of the Authority can be obtained by re-rating the
plant. Mr. Shirk has not received any
comments from the public and is still waiting for a few townships to sign and return
resolutions. Once all are received, the Act
537 Special Study Plan will be presented to PADEP for review. Once PADEP
approves the Act 537 Special Study, the next step is to review and approve the
options to obtain additional capacity.
Mr. Pinchok has placed in the board books a progress report for all approved 2024 capital projects for both the revenue and treatment plant funds. This report will be updated monthly.
Mr. Jackson reported that the In-House Loading Tank (IHLT) #1 recoating project is completed. The inspection of the tank is scheduled within the next 2 weeks, and the tank should be in service by the end of February. In mid-January, the staff installed and started the new grinder at the Pickering Pump Station. The French Creek Pump Station has a new backup pump control system in place in case of primary pump failure. In addition, a VFD will need to be replaced at the station as well.
The staff is working with Josh from Envirep to work through shutting down issues in the septage screening unit.
The FIXX maintenance software is complete for all plant staff.
Congratulations to Christopher DeLawrence for completing a 3-day instrumentation training program.
Mr. Pinchok informed the board that all new employee workstations and server software have been installed.
Woodman made a motion to adjourn the meeting that was seconded by Mr. LaPorte,
and the board unanimously approved the motion. The meeting adjourned at about 7:48
Respectfully submitted,
Board Secretary